2008年12月11日 星期四

2008.12.08 ─《I'm a stranger here myself》

最近讀了一本由美籍作家Bill Bryson所寫的《I'm a stranger here myself》專欄文集。Bryson曾旅居英國很長一段時間,也娶了英國籍的老婆,後來一家人搬回美國,目前住在東岸新英格蘭。作者對美國文化有許多有趣的觀察,用字也相當詼諧幽默,閱讀起來非常有意思。我打算找其中一、兩篇摘要翻譯出來,跟大家分享。

3 則留言:

  1. Peggy, I just heard that Bill Bryson moved back to England in 2003. They didn't last long in United States. Oh well, I guess they really gave it a try. Also, here is his official website with a list of all his books. Hopefully some day you'll get around to translate them all for Chinese readers!

  2. Thanks. Will definately check out the site some time. You know what? I can't say that I'm surprised that they moved back to England. His writing tells me that despite the connection with the U.S., he still sort of considered himeself a stranger there.
